Since 2015, the Hidden Architecture platform has been consistently sharing numerous posts and topics related to the field of architecture on its online platform. Its founders, the young architects Alberto Martínez Garcia and Héctor Rivera Bajo from Spain, remain steadfast in their unique selection process when choosing projects to showcase and conducting research on architectural history and construction. They have created a “unique” platform that caters to architecture enthusiasts and professionals alike, providing valuable insights and perspectives.
“The story began when Héctor and I were working on our thesis in Madrid. We spent a lot of time discussing architecture and the projects we were exploring for our research. Somehow, Hidden Architecture took shape. We simply found so many interesting things and wanted to share them, with the thought that they might be useful to others. What started as a personal hobby turned into a responsibility, we set for ourselves because of the joy it brought us.” – Alberto Martínez Garcia, one of the two Co-founders of Hidden Architecture, recounted.